Counter strike 1.6 created by Valve Corporation .It is multiplayer first individual shooter which is accessible for various stage i.e Windows, Xbox, OSx and Linux .In the amusement every player expect part of battling colleague which a player can choose as counter terrorist or terrorist force.In the diversion play both groups contradict each other to crush other group by executing all colleagues of restricting group or by accomplishing every one of guide's goals. Goal can be Bomb defusing: in which terrorist power part may convey a bomb (c4) and need to plant it at an assigned spots of map.After planting they should ensure it structure being defused by Counter terrorist Force. The counter terrorist power win if bomb is defused or time for planting the is over with no conclusion.
V.I.P Protection:One individual from Counter Terrorist Force get to be as V.I.P.Other Members must secure V.I.P. part from being Killed and escort him to an assigned spot in the map.The Terrorists win if the V.I.P part is killed or time is over without coming to an assigned spot.
Goals relies on kind of guide .There are expansive number of maps of the game.Team players remunerated for winning a round,killing against group players,planting a bomb and defusing.Aiming in the amusement is up to stamp with every weapons feels different.The player get reward for group won,killing adversaries .There are assortment of various weapons,armor,grenade, which you can purchase toward the begin of match .The diversion play of the is first individual point of view.
Counter Strike 1.6 Full and Free download game Link Given Below :
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Counter Strike 1.6 System Requirement for PC :
CPU SPEED : Intel 1.7 GHZ Processor
RAM : 256 MB RAM
OPERATING SYSTEM : Windows Xp or Above
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